Can’t Change Permissions on Mac – Understanding and Resolving the Issue

Can’t Change Permissions on Mac – Understanding and Resolving the Issue


Mac users often encounter the frustration of being unable to modify permissions for files or folders. This issue can be perplexing and hinder regular operations. Whether it’s changing access rights for security reasons or simply trying to alter permissions for a specific file, the inability to do so can impede productivity. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the “can’t change permissions on Mac” problem and explore effective solutions to overcome this hurdle.

Understanding File Permissions on Mac

To comprehend the issue better, it’s crucial to grasp how permissions work on a Mac system.

File Permissions Overview

Mac operating systems use a Unix-based system that employs a permissions system consisting of three access levels: read, write, and execute. These permissions are further divided among three entities: user, group, and others. Each file and folder has its set of permissions determining who can access, modify, or execute them.

Common Causes of “Can’t Change Permissions” Issue

Understanding the potential causes behind this issue is essential for troubleshooting effectively.

Insufficient User Privileges

At times, attempting to modify permissions may fail due to inadequate user privileges. If the logged-in user lacks administrative rights or isn’t the owner of the file or folder, modifying permissions might not be possible.

File/Folder Ownership

The inability to change permissions could stem from not having ownership of the file or folder. Mac restricts modifying permissions for items not owned by the current user.

Corrupted Permissions

Corruption within the permission settings can also lead to this problem. A glitch or error in the system might disrupt the permission structure, making it impossible to alter permissions as intended.

System Bugs or Glitches

Occasionally, system bugs or software glitches can hinder the modification of permissions. These issues might arise due to outdated software, conflicting third-party applications, or system malfunctions.

Troubleshooting Methods

Let’s explore various troubleshooting methods to resolve the “can’t change permissions on Mac” issue effectively.

Method 1: Using Terminal Commands

  1. Check Current Permissions: Launch Terminal and use the ‘ls -l’ command to view the permissions of the file/folder.
  2. Change Permissions with ‘chmod’: Utilize the ‘chmod’ command along with specific permissions to modify access rights. For instance, ‘sudo chmod 755 filename’ grants read, write, and execute permissions to the file’s owner, while providing read and execute permissions to the group and others.
  3. Adjust Ownership: Use ‘chown’ command to change ownership of the file or folder. For example, ‘sudo chown username filename’ assigns ownership to the specified user.

Method 2: Resetting Permissions via Disk Utility

  1. Open Disk Utility: Access Disk Utility from Applications > Utilities folder.
  2. Select Disk/Volume: Choose the disk or volume where the file/folder is located.
  3. Click on First Aid: Run First Aid to check and repair disk permissions, which might resolve the issue.

Method 3: Booting in Safe Mode

  1. Restart in Safe Mode: Restart your Mac and hold down the Shift key until the Apple logo appears.
  2. Modify Permissions: Attempt to change permissions while in Safe Mode. Sometimes, this method helps overcome obstacles caused by conflicting third-party software.

Method 4: Using Third-Party Utilities

Consider employing third-party utilities like CleanMyMac X, DiskWarrior, or OnyX, which offer advanced tools to repair permissions and resolve system-related issues.


The inability to change permissions on a Mac can be a hindrance in managing files effectively. However, by understanding the intricacies of permissions, identifying potential causes, and implementing the right troubleshooting methods, users can often overcome this issue. Whether through Terminal commands, utilizing Disk Utility, booting in Safe Mode, or using specialized third-party utilities, resolving permission-related problems is possible.

Remember, it’s crucial to back up important data before attempting any modifications to prevent accidental loss or corruption of files. With these insights and troubleshooting methods at your disposal, tackling the “can’t change permissions on Mac” problem becomes more manageable, empowering users to regain control over their file access and management on their Mac systems.